This page is an archive of past meeting agendas, their minutes and IRC logs, for the year shown above. For current information, see the Governance Meeting page.
WHEN Dec 21 18:00 UTC
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check
FOSDEM 2017 Plans ( (atong))
Infra update
JDK8 baseline upgrade followup,
proposed by Oliver
(batmat) (will be absent
WHEN Dec 7 18:00 UTC.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check ( (olivergondza))
Is Kohsuke OK releasing 2.32.1 on 2016-12-21 or should we postpone to 2017-01-04?
Should we just skip two weeks around Christmas like we did last year, postpone .2 RC from Jan 4 to Jan 18? ((danielbeck))
JDK8 as baseline, with the timeline proposed by Oliver (batmat)
New Security Officer announcement ((rtyler))
WHEN Nov 23 18:00 UTC.
LTS base line selection
Revival of the Klocwork plugin ( (oleg_nenashev))
The plugin is hosted outside jenkinsci org, but it seems to be abandoned by maintainers
There is a ownership request:!search/klocwork/jenkinsci-dev/U7SFVsjsHHQ/cA8SlsTgBQAJ[!search/klocwork/jenkinsci-dev/U7SFVsjsHHQ/cA8SlsTgBQAJ|!search/klocwork/jenkinsci-dev/U7SFVsjsHHQ/cA8SlsTgBQAJ]
We need to discuss if we can just proceed with plugin process and to grant the access to the requester
GSoC2017 sync-up ( (oleg_nenashev))
Do we participate in it? If yes, should we schedule office hours?
Who will be Jenkins org admins this time? (oleg_nenashev) will need some help
Azure migration / Infrastructure update (rtyler)
WHEN Nov 9 18:00 UTC.
WHEN October 26 18:00 UTC.
We decided to switch to a fixed UTC-based time for the project meeting. It’s now always at 18:00 UTC. This is the first meeting at this new time.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check ( (olivergondza))
WHEN October 12 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check ( (olivergondza))
Bumping Jenkins core to Remoting 3 ( (oleg_nenashev))
Remoting 3 offers a new JNLP4 protocol (Adds Java NIO compared to JNLP3 + stability fixes)
Remoting 3 is formally incompatible: Java 6 support drop from slaves, also JnlpServerHandshake rework:
~stephenc checked known OSS and closed-source implementations, no real compatibility issues
Question for voting: Do we want to go forward?
Out-of-order Jenkins Weekly release in order to get better soak testing for 2.19.3 ( (oleg_nenashev))
Question for voting: Do we want to release it if kohsuke is available?
IntelliJ license handling ((danielbeck))
Moving Governance Meetings to UTC ( (oleg_nenashev))
Plugin site deployment to Jenkins project infra ((danielbeck))
Allowing interface implementations as Extension points in Jenkins ( (oleg_nenashev))
** Question for voting: Do we want to allow such use-case?
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check ( (olivergondza))
Discuss name use for Jenkins-LSCI (Life Science Continuous Integration) (ioannis)
Patron messages ((danielbeck))
WHEN August 31 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check ( (olivergondza))
Pick new LTS version ( (olivergondza))
WHEN August 17 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check ( (olivergondza))
GSoC status check ( (oleg_nenashev))
WHEN August 3 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check ( (olivergondza))
GSoC status check ( (oleg_nenashev))
WHEN July 20 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check ( (olivergondza))
GSoC status check ( (oleg_nenashev))
Obtain permission to post Jenkins World banner on and ( (atong))
WHEN July 6 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check ( (olivergondza))
GSoC status check ( (oleg_nenashev))
WHEN June 22 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check ( (olivergondza))
GSoC status check ( (oleg_nenashev))
Officer updates
Security status update ((danielbeck))
Events status update ((atong))
Release status update ( (olivergondza))
Infra update ( (rtyler))
Licensing and unrestricted access of Usage Statistics (aka "census data") more context here (rtyler)
Approval of new Q3 patron messages ((danielbeck))
WHEN June 8 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check
Next LTS baseline selection
GSoC status check ( (oleg_nenashev))
Q3 patron messages ((danielbeck))
Licensing and unrestricted access of Usage Statistics (aka "census data") more context here (rtyler)
WHEN May 25 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check
GSoC status check ( (oleg_nenashev))
WHEN May 11 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check
GSoC status check ( (oleg_nenashev))
Infrastructure status update ((rtyler))
Security status update ((danielbeck))
Events status update ((atong))
WHEN Apr 27 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check
2.0 status check
Approval of Q2 patron messages ((danielbeck))
CERT membership request process changes ((danielbeck))
Approval of CERT membership requests ((danielbeck))
GSoC status check ((batmat))
WHEN Apr 13 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check
2.0 status check
CERT membership request by Yoann Dubreuil ((danielbeck))
Jenkins 2.0 launch - go over activities of what has been planned for this release (R. Tyler Croy/(atong))
WHEN Mar 30 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check
2.0 status check
Check status for action 3d - JetBrains licenses (integer)
Google Summer Of Code 2016 update ( (oleg_nenashev))!topic/jenkinsci-dev/bmLARYolMig[!topic/jenkinsci-dev/bmLARYolMig|!topic/jenkinsci-dev/bmLARYolMig]
Release officer announcement ((rtyler))
Major infrastructure opportunity ((rtyler))
Update to CD Summit & Jenkins Days wiki page ((atong))
Advance notice: Privacy affecting bug, 1.642.4 release ((danielbeck))
WHEN Mar 16 11:00 Pacific.
It’s DST change season: Make sure you’re not off by one (hour)!
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check
Next LTS baseline selection
Seek trademark usage approval for "Jenkins Days" ((kohsuke))
Infrastructure status update ((rtyler))
Events status update ((atong))
Security status update ((danielbeck))
WHEN Mar 2 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check
Board Election update ((rtyler))
2.0 status check ((danielbeck))
Certification update from beta exams ((rtyler))
Conversion of Office Hours to Jenkins Online meetup ( (oleg_nenashev))!topic/jenkinsci-dev/LMTCNDv-jgY[!topic/jenkinsci-dev/LMTCNDv-jgY|!topic/jenkinsci-dev/LMTCNDv-jgY]
Planning of GSoC office hours ( (oleg_nenashev))
Application draft:
We need: 1 public office hours, 1 bi-weekly mentor meeting
WHEN Feb 17 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check ( (olivergondza))
Jenkins Certification update and trademark approval request ((rtyler))
New team lead positions: Events and Release (see Team Leads) ((rtyler))
(2nd run
) Discussion: clarify that plugins available through the update center
are required to have their source code canonical repository hosted under
the Jenkinsci GitHub organization
For context the last thread about it
(time permitting) Google Summer Of Code 2016 application progress - (oleg_nenashev)
Mailing list:!topic/jenkinsci-dev/vTxsCLk1XS0[!topic/jenkinsci-dev/vTxsCLk1XS0|!topic/jenkinsci-dev/vTxsCLk1XS0]
Application draft:
WHEN Feb 3 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check
Seek trademark approval for Jenkins World 2016 logo ( (atong))
Infrastructure status report - (rtyler)
Should Jenkins be a mentor organisation for Google Summer of Code? ( (oleg_nenashev))
Deadline is 19th February
Summary slides:
Do we have a timeline for the Governance Board elections? ((orrc))
Discussion: clarify that plugins available through the update center are required to have their source code canonical repository hosted under the Jenkinsci GitHub organization (batmat)
As a first step, only discuss the matter (hopefully with the board). Only potentially on a future meeting may we want to settle on something and act upon it.
For context the last thread about it
WHEN Jan 20 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
Approving Jenkins Press page and assigned contacts: ; ( (oleg_nenashev))
Reworking / Shutting down the Jenkins CIA program ( (oleg_nenashev))!topic/jenkinsci-dev/ktTrIZQlNTY[!topic/jenkinsci-dev/ktTrIZQlNTY|!topic/jenkinsci-dev/ktTrIZQlNTY]
Follow-up to the unofficial Jenkins-related Twitter account ( (oleg_nenashev))
Aim: agree if "Learning Jenkins" with the unofficial resource notice is fine
WHEN Jan 6 11:00 Pacific.
Recap last meeting’s actions
LTS status check - discuss baseline change:\!topic/jenkinsci-dev/K06ny0sozWM\|\!topic/jenkinsci-dev/K06ny0sozWM (\!topic/jenkinsci-dev/K06ny0sozWM) ( (olivergondza))
Q1 Patron messages approval ((danielbeck))
Review/adopt a Code of Conduct ((rtyler))
Discuss requiring pull requests for all non-release-process changes to core/master ( (abayer))
Spam problems on wiki and possible solutions (lshatzer)